Friday, May 1, 2015

Chatting with EG

Sometimes it's wonderful to get a chance to just chat with your kiddos.  That's how you hear things like this...

"When I grow up I want to be a cart lady (someone who puts the carts away at the grocery store) and Super Man.  And a bottle- that way I can be super with wheels and a straw."

"When I get little you can carry me in your other backpack (baby Bjorn) just like you do with Susie."

"My Daddy's name is Uncle Working Dad. "

"I have two babies.  One is Aunt Susanne and the other is Takeo."

"When I get big I can be a Daddy"

"For my birthday I want my own chapstick.  And a stick"

I just can't believe how much she's growing, and changing and becoming a little adult.

These moments are RUNNING full steam ahead....

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