Tuesday, September 24, 2013

Is it sukkot without a shake?

EG making a sukkah at school

Ah, the over scheduled weekend.  With nary a moment to rest, relax and recharge.  Throw in a scheduling mishap, and the weekend is entirely misfired.

I thought we had it all figured out.  Soccer game for me, Sukkot party for the family, friends over for dinner.  Lunch with my parents, then a relaxing evening at home.

Sounds wonderful, right?

Or not so much.  When you call to confirm the party details, only to find out that the party you thought was today at 1pm, is tomorrow at 2pm.  So, there goes the weekend.

Throw in one unplanned surgical procedure scheduled for a monday afternoon, and the whole weekend takes on a different light.  Yes, my family is fine, thank you for asking.

My Mom was scheduled for what is actually a routine angioplasty today.  She went through the procedure with flying colors, but she was terrified about the whole thing.  It's definitely possible that something could have happened, but thank G-d, it didn't.

All this being said, we didn't make it to a sukkot party.  If we don't shake the lulav and the etrog, is it really Sukkot?  I never used to celebrate Sukkot, but when I got into college the Chabad on Campus used to have a pop-up Sukkot on our campus.  We had a really great Chabad on Campus.  YOu used to be able to hear the shofar outside of the grocery store if you missed it during the days of Awe.

So I started, and I was able to keep up the tradition so far.  Until this year.  Hmm... I know it's not over yet, maybe I can find a lulav and an etrog to shake.  I have a sukkah in my back yard, you would think I could get it done, but not quite yet...

One step at a time, right?

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