Monday, September 16, 2013

Rosh Hashana Resolutions

Photo by Jeff

I know what you are thinking, isn't this post a little old.  Shouldn't this have come a few weeks ago, when so many others posted theirs...

Here's the problem with New Year's Resolutions before Yom Kippur.  When you went to services for Kol Nidre and Yom Kippur you atoned for all of your sins.  You specifically atoned for all of the promises you didn't keep.  The ones between you and G-d.  What is a resolution?  It's a promise between you and G-d.  So, by making New Year's resolutions then going into services to release your promises seems like a cop-out to me.

So, that being said, I still believe in making resolutions.  Our family made a few.  Each year we like to break down our resolutions into categories.  Mine, EG's, Working Dad's and then some for the family.  We do one family resolution, and one spiritual resolution.  We try to make them work together.

Without further ado- here are our resolutions:

Mine: To commit to making myself a priority.  Now, this doesn't seem like a SMART goal. However, I thought that breaking it into SMART pieces would be to much to chat through with the husband.  So, here is what this means to me.  Go to yoga at least once a week.  Play soccer at least once a week. Do things that make me happy, and healthy.

Yes, this may seem selfish, but the reality is that without taking care of myself, it's infinitely harder to take care of Working Dad and EG.  Not to mention that if we want to have another child (which we do, soon I hope!) that taking care of me will be taking care of another life.

Working Dads: To move to a new job that makes him happy.  We subscribe to a more traditional family role scenario, where Working Dad makes the bulk of the money that buys the turkey bacon.  Which means that he needs to go to work.  However, going to a place that you aren't happy at every day takes an enormous toll on you.  In order for all of us to be happier, he needs to be happy to.

EG: Okay, okay, you caught me.  This is really our resolution for her, not her own promise to G-d.  But I think it still counts.  We're trying to help her cultivate an attitude of gratitude.  Yes, I know, gratitude cultivation is a controversial item.  If you read NutureShock  then you know just how scientifically controversial it is.  However, I still think it's a good thing.  And I think that it bridges with a Jewish idea of G-d.

Family Goal:  Make new friends.  Again, not so SMART.  But we've quantified this by saying that we're going to be inviting someone new to do something (dinner, playdate, etc.) at least once a week.  Also, we've agree to put ourselves out there.  To say yes to parties, events, etc.  I'm also hoping that this blog will help us connect a little more.

Spiritual Goal: To invite someone for Shabbat once a month.  That's SMART.  Of course, we didn't say that this was only friday night- it could be Saturday too.  We are open to in the house, out at brunch, etc.  Just connecting with someone else (which ties into our family goal) while still being spiritual.

What types of goals or resolutions did you make?  Any other categories we should consider?

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