Wednesday, September 11, 2013

South Bay High Holiday Options 2013

We aren't highly observant Jews, and though we do Shabbat on Fridays, at least 50% of the time we end up going out for dinner or with friends after lighting the candles. 

While EG goes to a religious daycare at the JCC (a chabad actually) we aren't really affiliated with the synagogue there. You would think that being at the Jewish Daycare we wouldn't worry about where to go for services, but like many other families we young children, we struggle with where to spend our High Holidays.  

While I understand the idea behind paying for tickets, it's hard for us to feel like the exorbitant price is worth it.  As a young family, both parents working, we struggle to make dinner let alone have money to pay 1000's for a temple membership. 

When you just attend high holiday services, you have no idea what type of community you are getting yourself into.  And after a busy summer with travel, and trips, it's hard to think that before the holidays we would have found our Jewish Home.  So, like many others, we try to cobble together some sort of Jewish Experience.  Below are some places that seem like they might want us to join them.  No idea what would really happen, but at least it's a start. 

Rosh Hashana Main Service

Temple Menorah (Redondo Beach)

 9am Thursday: They request that you RSVP, but my understanding is that the family service is free.

JCC (Redondo Beach, Vail Ave)

 10:30am Thursday: Completely free. Two family services, one for 2-5 years, one for 5-12

Temple Akiba (Culver City off Sepulveda)

 3pm Thursday: My understanding is that the children’s service at the temple does not require tickets

Adventure in the Park (Temple Israel Long Beach, El Dorado Park)

10am Thursday: Tickets required for adults.  $12, includes some food. Free for kids up to 12

Community Tashlich

Manhattan Beach Pier- 5pm with Temple Menorah & Congregation Tikvat Jacob

*Bring some bread to throw*

Kol Nidre

I have been unable to find any family friendly Kol Nidre services in the Los Angeles area.  There is one in Orange County, and one in Long Beach, but none in LA.

Yom Kippur Morning/Day

JCC (Redondo Beach, Vail Ave) 10:30am

Menorah (Redondo Beach) 10:30 am

Most of these services fall into Option 3, where you and your family worship together.  As a family.  That's where we find the most grace for ourselves.  Where we all join together, and can contribute to EG's learning about Judaism.  

Want to chat more about paying for services?  Here are a few interesting articles: About's take on it,  Frum Satire (funny video!), My Jewish Learning's thoughts.

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