Sunday, July 27, 2014

Changing of the wardrobe

One of the things that drives me crazy about pregnancy is the constant changing of clothes.  You find out you're pregnant, and then it's a continuous shuffle of clothing in and out of the closet.  What fits, what doesn't?   What looks good today, which may be terrible tomorrow.  Thankfully I'm done with all of that- now it's time to start moving in the nursing wear.

In the last few weeks of being pregnant I started putting away a percentage of my non-nursing wear.  It's so hard to keep everything organized once you have the new baby, so I recommend that you get a jump start on changing out the clothes, so it's one less thing you have to work on/worry about when you bring baby home.

The first few days of nursing are always rough- so my recommendation is the less clothes the better.  In fact, I've spent much of the past 3 days at home in PJ bottoms and a bra.  Once you start to sort of get the hang of it, it's time to start exploring the world, and getting out of the house. In order to get out of the house, you need some clothes.

My favorite brands of nursing wear:


This is actually very similar to the dress that I wore to the hospital while in labor.  I love the line because it's items transfer smoothly from being pregnancy wear to nursing wear.  With so much going on, it's hard to cycle the clothes you can't wear anymore. This way, you know it fits your still sort of pouchy belly, and will accommodate your new babies eating habits.

Bun Maternity Nursing.

I love this line of clothes- in fact I sent a t-shirt to both my sister and my sister-in-law to celebrate them reaching 40 weeks and the coming of their two new additions.  They look like regular wifebeaters, and they are simple to use and look great.  I also LOVE that they are made in the USA, and are actually a local company here in LA.

I also have some good luck finding items at Old Navy and Target that are nursing wear.  But the good thing about nursing wear is that it's possible to find things in regular stores that will totally work for nursing.  One of my favorite items to buy is a t-shirt dress- totally works for nursing:

A great place to get a ton of clothes online, shipped directly to you is ModCloth. They have a flat rate shipping, free returns (though it is 30 days only, so you have to be quick.)  I've gotten a bunch of great dresses there, like this one:

It's a simple t-shirt dress, which makes access totally easy.

What brands do you like for nursing wear? Have you found a good 'regular' store that carries a lot of good options?

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