Tuesday, October 14, 2014

Easy simple Charity

As we have left Yom Kippur behind us, I've been thinking a lot about how prayer,charity and repentance can affect our lives.  And while I realize that prayer and repentance are much more personal, charity is something I think all of our young need to learn about.

But what do you do with a 2- year old?  I can't take them to the park to clean-up (well, I can take them on my own, but most organizations have a minimum age of 5 years old).  So, what to do?

I use the opportunities I have on a daily basis to do some good... like buying more toothpaste for EG:

Have you heard of Amazon Smile?  It's a new program that lets you shop the regular amazon site, but allows you to send proceeds to a specific charity.  I looked for something local to Redondo Beach.  On Firefox I have it set to the Beach Cities Chabad (aka the JCC that EG goes to Daycare at).  For IE I have it set to the Redondo Beach fire department. 

Have you taken advantage of this program yet?

I've been struck by how easy it is to help out now adays.  It used to be a comittment to help your local school or community- script programs and book fairs, or going to the local shelter.  And while those things are still possible, it's now easy to stay at home and give charity through your normal activities...

Bored on the computer- try free rice.  It's like prepping for the SAT's but giving hungry people food at the same time.  Not into that one?  Try freeflour.

Or you can just go and click somewhere- check out any of these websites

As I already mentioned, shopping online can give back to charity through AmazonSmile, but there's also Recoup National, which lets you get deals on high-end brands while supporting charity. 

Just thought I would share.

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